Hello Sir,
I am sorry to bother you, I am urgently in need of a trusted partner for a very confidential and vital engagement. I am in Libya and need to move out and trust a huge amount of Funds in a trusted hands for any profitable and lucrative Business. please do get back to me for proceedings if you can be of help.
I am a very closed and trusted collaborator to my Boss, Son Of Late HIS EXCELLENCY MOAMAN GADAFFI'S, Presently, my Boss is dead and before he was killed,he left with me his vital and confidential rooms .
I just break into one of the lockers and discovered a large sum of money lying in it. Thus, i wish to find a way to move out these funds and also move out of the country before it could be discovered, Now I have all the logistics well planned and mapped out to fly out the funds, I was going through visibility search of emerging nations and found out that, India is a fast growing Economy with abound business opportunities thus,
I would want you to be a partner and a representative to assist me move these funds so that you can help me invest this fund in real estates and any lucrative businesses in India. Sir, I wish to do this as fast as possible so that I can save the value of the funds because, this funds lying in black money, is more or less a dead investment. The total amount in place is about FIVE MILLION DOLLARS.sir, bear with me that it's a very confidential information i am revealing to you and this is because i want you to know the source of the money and also to understand that the money is all the product of the nation which was been embezzled as a result of the corrupt government practices.please contact me at mohammed.mustafa7@yahoo.com.
Thanks & Regards'
Mohammed Mustafa
NSTEP और E-PRISON - विस्तार से जानिए
कानूनी प्रक्रिया की नवीनतम तकनीक के रूप में न्यायालयों की गतिविधियों में
दो नए वेब ऐप्लिकेशन और मोबाइल ऐप शामिल किए गए हैं. आज हम आपको उन्हीं दोनों
2 घंटे पहले
कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:
एक टिप्पणी भेजें
कृपया अपने बहुमूल्य टिप्पणी के माध्यम से उत्साहवर्धन एवं मार्गदर्शन करें ।
"काव्य का संसार" की ओर से अग्रिम धन्यवाद ।