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सदस्यता को इच्छुक मित्र यहाँ संपर्क करें या फिर इस ब्लॉग में प्रकाशित करवाने हेतु मेल करें:-

इस ब्लॉग से जुड़े

गुरुवार, 13 फ़रवरी 2020

【SEAnews:India Front Line Report】 February 12, 2020 (Wed) No. 3939

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India Front Line Report
Digest Classified MISC About Us Readers' Voice
Latest Top News(vol.200212)
(最新ニュース 30件)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46667(1/30)

【ニューデリー】アルビンド・ケジリワル(Arvind Kejriwal)氏に率いられる大衆党(AAP:Aam Aadmi Party)は、総数70議席中62議席の圧倒的多数を維持して三期連続してデリー州政府を樹立する運びだ。しかし、2015年州議会選挙で獲得した67議席には僅かに及ばなかった。
○モディ首相与党、分断法に対する抗議の中でデリー州選挙に敗北(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46668(2/30)

【新徳里】由阿文徳-科基瓦尔(Arvind Kejriwal)领导的大众党(AAP:Aam Aadmi Party)赢得了压倒性多数席位将第三次组建徳里政府。该党在总数70个席位的议会中赢得了62个,但与2015年赢得的67个席位相比略有下降。
○莫迪的人民党在对分裂法的抗议中在徳里州选举打败(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46669(3/30)
◆AAP is set to form the government in Delhi with a brute majority

【New Delhi】The Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is all set to form the government in Delhi for the third time, with a brute majority, winning 62 of the 70 Assembly seats but a marginal dip from the 67 seats it won in the 2015 Assembly elections.
○Modi's BJP defeated in Delhi state election amid outcry against divisive laws(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46670(4/30)

○『Can Do』を今年のテーマに、対話で問題解決を:モディ首相
○資金不足で農村雇用保証計画立ち往生(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46671(5/30)

○农村就业保障计划由于资金短缺而抛锚(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46672(6/30)
◆Trump announces visit to India on February 24 and 25

【Washington】U.S. President Donald Trump will visit India on February 24 and 25, as per an official announcement from the White House on February 10 afternoon. Mr. Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump will visit Ahmedabad and New Delhi.
○Indo-US trade deal likely to be announced during President Trump's India visit
○'Can Do' is the emerging theme, let's resolve issues through peaceful dialogue: PM Modi
○Fund crunch hits MGNREGA scheme(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46673(7/30)

○DRDOラオ主任は『ミッション・シャクティ』の化身(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46674(8/30)

【班加罗尔】历史学家拉马尚徳拉·古哈(Ramachandra Guha)于1月26日在班加罗尔国际中心(Bengaluru International Centre)发表题为『70岁的共和国』的演讲时说「印度共和国已经完成了七个十年,目前正度过第四次重大危机。」
○DRDO饶主任是沙克蒂任务的化身(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46675(9/30)
◆Republic facing its fourth crisis: Ramachandra Guha

【Bangalore】The Indian Republic, as it completes seven decades, is living through its fourth big crisis, historian Ramachandra Guha said while delivering a lecture, 'The Republic at 70', at Bengaluru International Centre on January 26.
○Republic Day parade underlines India's shift from Russian to US weaponry
○The 'Rao' power of 'Mission Shakti' (...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46676(10/30)

【ワシントン】国際人権非政府組織アムネスティ・インターナショナルは、米国議会に対して、最近インド政府が公布した『市民権修正法(CAA:Citizenship Amendment Act)』は、インド憲法と国際人権法に明確に違反しており、宗教に基づく差別の正当化であると証言した。
○欧州議会反CAA動議の背後パキスタン系議員(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46677(11/30)

【华盛顿】国际特赦组织(Amnesty International)告诉美国国会议员,最近印度颁布的『公民身份修正法(CAA:Citizenship Amendment Act)』明显违反了印度宪法和国际人权法,并将宗教歧视合法化。
○欧洲议会反CAA动议的背后有巴基斯坦原议员(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46678(12/30)
◆CAA violates Constitution, global human rights law: Amnesty

【Washington】Amnesty International has told the US lawmakers that the recently enacted Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) stands in "clear violation" of the Constitution of India and international human rights law and "legitimises discrimination" on the basis of religion.
○PoK-Origin MEP behind Anti-CAA move in European parliament(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46679(13/30)

【ジャイプール】国民会議派幹部のシャシ・タラー氏は、もし『市民権修正法(CAA:Citizenship Amendment Act)』が『国民人口登録(NPR:National Population Register)』と『国民登録(NRC:National Register of Citizens)』の施行につながるなら、パキスタン建国の父ムハンマド・アリー・ジンナーが勝利したことになると指摘した。
○UP州CAA巡り混乱、社会党と大众社会党は沈黙(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46680(14/30)

【斋浦尔】国大党高级领导人沙希·塔罗尔(Shashi Tharoor)表示,「如果『公民身份修正法(CAA:Citizenship Amendment Act)』导致『全国人口登记(NPR:National Population Register)』和『国家公民登记册(NRC:National Register of Citizens)』的实施,那么无非是巴基斯坦国父穆罕默徳·阿里·金纳(Muhammad Ali Jinnah)的胜利。」
○北方州对公民法问题混乱时社会党和大众社会党保持沉默(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46681(15/30)
◆Jinnah's idea winning in India: Shashi Tharoor on CAA

【Jaipur】Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor said that if the Citizenship Amendment Act leads to the implementation of the NPR and the NRC, it would be a complete victory for Pakistan's founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
○Anti-CAA resolutions are political statements: Shashi Tharoor
○Why SP and BSP are reluctant to take advantage of CAA turmoil in UP?(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46682(16/30)

○パドマスリ叙勲のフォークシンガーもCAAに抗議(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46683(17/30)

【海得拉巴】奉戴安贝徳卡里特思想(Ambedkarite ideology)的达利特(Dalit贱民)组织毗摩军(Bhim Army)首领钱徳拉谢卡·阿扎徳(Chandrashekhar Azad)于1月26日为了参加反CAA和NRC集会前往该会场的途中在海得拉巴被逮捕。
○被叙勋莲花士勋章的民谣歌手也抗议CAA(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46684(18/30)
◆Bhim Army Chief detained in Hyderabad ahead of anti-CAA event

【Hyderabad 】Dalit Ambedkarite ideologist organisation, Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad was on January 26 detained in Hyderabad while he was on his way to take part in an anti-CAA and NRC event.
○Folk singer named for Padma Shri at protest against CAA(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46685(19/30)

○チバムバラム氏、シャヒーン・バグ抗議者に対する発言巡り内相を非難(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46686(20/30)

【新徳里】拉胡尔·甘地(Rahul Gandhi)和他的顾问团,负起对他在国会下院选举中惨败的道徳责任辞职国大党总裁地位后还不到六个月,重新启动让他做为大老党的领导人而东山再起的一项计划。
○奇丹巴拉姆抨击阿米特·沙对沙欣巴格抗议者的言论(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46687(21/30)
◆Tours, image makeover as Congress plans return of Rahul Gandhi

【New Delhi】Less than six months after he resigned as Congress president, taking moral responsibility for his party's debacle in the Lok Sabha elections, Rahul Gandhi and his advisers are working on a plan to relaunch his leadership bid of the Grand Old Party.
○Congress launches NUR campaign to gather details of unemployed youth in UP
○Chidambaram slams Amit Shah over remarks against Shaheen Bagh protesters(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46688(22/30)

○実際のGDP成長率は1.9%:ハフェズ・パシャ元蔵相(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46689(23/30)

○实际GDP増长1.9%:前财长哈菲兹·帕夏(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46690(24/30)
◆Pak's external affairs to be challenging in 2020 remain tense with India: Think-tank

【Islamabad】Pakistan's external affairs would remain challenging throughout 2020, having serious implications on economy and security, including tense relations with India, a Pakistani think-tank said on January 26.
○Former Finance Minister Hafeez Pasha says actual GDP growth is 1.9pc(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46691(25/30)

○ダッカ、欧州議会にロヒンギャの本国送還支援要請(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46692(26/30)

○达卡寻求欧洲议会协助罗兴亚人的遣返(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46693(27/30)
◆Indian PM assures to be a faithful Sri Lanka's companion

【New Delhi】Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on February 8 that India has been a "trusted partner" in Sri Lanka's development, and that India will continue to assist Sri Lanka in its journey for peace and development.
○Nepal-Japan Bilateral Consultation Mechanism's third meeting held
○Dhaka, Rome eye stronger economic partnership with intense ties through EU
○Dhaka seeks European Parliament's role to help Rohingya repatriation(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46694(28/30)

○誰もその中に入らないのは何故か?(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46695(29/30)

○为什么没有人进到井里面(...Read more)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46696(30/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Aramaic roots I)

 Jesus said, "There are many standing at the door, but those who are alone will enter the bridal suite." (Thomas 75)
○Aramaic roots
○East-west division of evangelism
○The east wind overwhelms the west wind
○St. Thomas Legend
○Why no one enters it?(...Read more)
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उम्र के इस दौर के भी,चोंचलों में,बड़ा रस है

बढ़ रही है उमर अपनी ,
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दर्द घुटनों में तुम्हारे ,
                            सांस मेरी फूलती है
मै तुम्हे गुलाब क्या दूं,
                           दाम मंहगे इस कदर है
तुम भी टेडी ,मै भी टेडा
                        ,हम खुद ही टेडी बियर है
 चाकलेटें ,ला न सकता ,
                       क्योंकि ये मुश्किल खड़ी है
तुम्हे भी है डायबीटीज ,
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और पिक्चर भी चलें तो,
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ध्यान होगा,युवा लड़के ,
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पार्क में जाकर के घूमें,
                        उम्र ये ना अब हमारी
माल में जाकर न करनी,
                          व्यर्थ की खरीद दारी
प्यार का ये पर्व फिर हम,
                         आज कुछ ऐसे मनाये
तुम पकोड़ी तलो,हम तुम,
                         प्रेम से मिल,बैठ ,खायें
मै अठोत्तर,तुम तिहत्तर,प्यार अपना जस का तस है

मनायें  वेलेन्टाइन ,प्यार का    ये तो     दिवस  है

मदन मोहन बाहेती'घोटू'

शुक्रवार, 31 जनवरी 2020

【SEAnews】Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Aramaic roots II)-e

SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
Digest Classified MISC About Us Readers' Voice

Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Aramaic roots II)

 Jesus said, "One can't enter a strong person's house and take it by force without tying his hands. Then one can loot his house." (Thomas 35)
According to Mr. Sasagu Arai, author of the Japanese version of The Gospel of Thomas, 'strong person' is seen as 'archon,' the creator god. If you break into the house dominated by the creator god, you must first tie up the creator god. If you can do it successfully, you can push down the house of the creator god, that is, this world, then build the kingdom and reach the highest. Like verse 7 of the Gospel of Thomas, it reminds us that a man should rule God but not the other way around.
Christian Hata clan's arrival in Japan

The late Professor Yoshiro Saeki of Waseda University, who is said to have been the world leader in Keikyo(景教Jingjiao: Luminous Religion) research, said, "As far as we can know from historical documents, Christianity was introduced to Japan in 198/199 C.E."
According to Shinsen Shojiroku (新撰姓氏録: an imperially commissioned Japanese genealogical record compiled in the 8-9th century), in the eighth year (197 C.E.) of Emperor Chuai (仲哀天皇), who was the 14th Emperor counting from the first Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇), King Koman (功満) of the Christian nation of Yuzuki (弓月) came to Japan with his servants. According to the 'Nihon Shoki (日本書紀: the Chronicles of Japan, compiled in 720), "Yuzuki no Kimi (弓月君: the Lord of Yuzuki) crossed over to Japan from the Korean state of Paekche (百済)." 'Nihon Shoki' also states that the son of King Koman led 18,670 people and came to the country during the reign of the 15th Emperor Ojin (応神天皇). This is thought to be the origin of a Christian called Hata came to Japan in large sums. However, modern scholars see it as an event in the second half of the fourth century.
According to the Chinese history book ZizhiTongjian (資治通鑑), there was a country called Yuegong (弓月:Yuzuki) built by a nomad named Qin (秦:Hata) near Lake Balkhash in Central Asia. Another Chinese history book 'Three Kingdoms(三国志),' states that the Qins were people of tall stature, rode on horses, kept their clothes clean and had a special language and customs. Incidentally the Aramaic language spoken in the Assyria's Edessa region was called Syriac, and the Jingjiao followers mainly spoke Syriac. They appear to have been descendants of Jews and Jingjiao followers who had involved in trade when China had exported silk fabrics to the West through the Silk Road. According to Professor Yoshiro Saeki, Yuzuki was a Christian country.
Trinity Maitreya statue and Prince Shotoku

The approximately 20,000 Hata clan (秦氏), who came to Japan, were engaged in the sericulture and silk business and contributed to the construction of Heiankyo (平安京, that is, Kyoto) and the flood control of the Yodo River (淀川) in the Osaka Plain, the Kamo River (鴨川) and the Katsura River (桂川) in Kyoto. Hata clan's chief, Hata Kawakatsu (秦河勝), was an aide to Prince Shotoku (聖徳太子) and the prince entrusted his children's care to Hata clan. In 603, Hata Kawakatsu built a building, which was later called Koryuji Temple (広隆寺), in Kadono (葛野), Kyoto. The temple houses the statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva sitting contemplatively in the half-lotus position (弥勒菩薩半跏思惟像) that Prince Shotoku is said to have entrusted to Hata Kawakatsu. The shape of the statue's hand looks similar to the symbol of the Trinity in the Eastern Christian Church. Similar Maitreya Bodhisattva statues exist in China and elsewhere, but the only one that has the same finger shape as the Trinity symbol of the Eastern Christian Church is the one at Koryuji Temple. On the other hand, the right hand of the portrait of Archbishop Jingjiao (景教), found in Dunhuang (敦煌), China, has the same finger shape.
Hata clan and Kokubunji temples

Hata clan and Jingjiao followers continued to come to Japan since then. In June 736, Abraham Li Miyi (李密医) and Jingjiao Christian HuangFu (皇甫) were given an audience by Emperor Shomu (聖武天皇R. 724-749) and were given ranks of the court in November of the same year. Emperor Sshomu afterward built temples for cleanse of sins called Kokubunji (国分寺) and Kokubunniji (国分尼寺) throughout the country.
At Todaiji Temple (東大寺) in Nara (奈良), has a traditional annual event of 'Omizutori (お水取りwater collection)' called 'Shunie (修二会)' for two weeks in February of the lunar calendar or early March of the current calendar. 'Shunie' is said to be a ritual of 'Keka (悔過Repentance). It is said that the origin of 'Omizutori,' in which people pray for 'Tenka Taihei(天下泰平: Peace reigns in the land),' 'Gokoku Hojo (五穀豊穣: bumper crops)' and 'Banmin Kairaku (万民快楽: All people's pleasure),' is derived from the prayer ceremony by Jingjiao followerrs when they established 'Guofensi (国分寺) Temple in all 10 provinces of China in Tang (唐) Dynasty.
According to Chairman Yoshihisa Oshida (押田良久) of the Japan Gagaku Society (日本雅楽会), 'Etenraku(越天楽),' one of tunes of Gagaku (court music), is Keikyo (Jingjiao景教) music from Persia. Persia is the homecountry of Keikyo Christians. Kurodabushi (黒田節), the famous folk song of Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu, is the arrangement of 'Etenraku.'
Relationship between Shingon / Jodo Schools and Luminous Religion

The birthplace of Kukai (空海), the founder of Japanese Esoteric Shingon school (日本真言密教) of Buddhism, Sanuki-no-kuni Tado-gun (讃岐国多度郡currently Zentsuji city, Kagawa prefecture) was Hata clan's stronghold. In 804, Kukai took part in a government-sponsored expedition to China. The court of Tang Dynasty (唐朝) granted Kukai a place in Xi Ming Temple (西明寺) in 805. After that, Kukai studied Shingon Esoteric Buddhism from Qinglong Monastery (青竜寺)'s seventh ancestor Huiguo (恵果746–805), and was recognized as the eighth ancestor of the Shingon sect. Kukai learned Sanskrit from Panruo Sanzang (般若三蔵), a friend of Jingjing (景浄) who was the author of the inscription of Nestoriam Stele (景教碑). Therefore, Kukai seems to have had friendships with Jingjing and other Jingjiao followers such as Yisi (伊斯Isaac) who were active in Chang'an (長安) at that time. For this reason, there is the imitation monument of Nestoriam Stele given by Mrs Elizabeth Anna Gordon (1851–1925), a Jingjiao researcher, to Mt. Koya (高野山), the headquarters of Japanese Esoteric Shingon school, in Wakayama Prefecture (和歌山県).
The contents of the third volume of 'Shizun bushi lun (世尊布施論The Lord of the Universe's Discourse on Alms-Giving)', owned by Kyoto Nishi Honganji Temple (京都西本願寺), almost corresponds to 'the Sermon on the Mount' in a Chinese translation of the Gospel of Matthew, which was written by Jingjiao followers, and a part of Adam's birth story is also seen there.
Beelzebul controversy

The content of the aforementioned verse 35 in 'the Gospel of Thomas' is introduced in 'the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 12:22-32/ Mark 3:20-30/ Luke Gospels 11:14-23)' as part of an episode called 'Beelzebul controversy.'
When Jesus expelled demons and healed the sick, not only had the Pharisees disparagingly accused Jesus of using Beelzebub's demonic powers to heal people, but others have been labeled possessed for acts of an extreme nature. Then Jesus said, "If one uses Beelzebub's demonic powers to cast out Satan, Satan's house has been split and the kingdom of God has come upon you." And he said the above teachings (Thomas 35). In the Synoptic Gospels, the strong man is Satan, and Jesus argues that in this world dominated by Satan, only those who can bind Satan can rob Satan's treasures.
According to Mr. Koji Tanaka, who is publishing a Christian mail magazine, 'Beel,' the first part of the word Beelzebul or Beelzebub, refers to Canaanite indigenous god 'Baal,' and the latter part is originated from the word 'bet-zebul,' that is, 'noble' or 'lofty house.' Therefore, it was originally a word for Canaanite indigenous to praise Baal as the highest king. But the Jews seem to have mocked by applying 'Zebub (fly)' with a similar pronunciation to 'zebul' and calling it 'king of fly.'
From this episode in the Synoptic Gospels, it can be seen that Jesus and his disciples performed exorcism, and this type of activity was derived from the customs of the native Canaanite who believed in Baal.
Episode of seven more evil demons

Jesus in the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew shortly thereafter said, "And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come (Mt 12:31-32, Mr 3:28-29). " This suggests a glimpse of Gnosticism.
On the other hand, the Gospel of Luke inserts a story that once demolished demon comes back with seven more evil demons after the Beelzebul controversy (Lu 11:23-26). The Gospel of Matthew also inserts a similar episode a little later (Mt 12:43-45). Perhaps this kind of folklore arisen because after exorcising evil spirits, the symptoms did not always improve or the once improved symptoms worsen again later. And though Jerusalem Church was born on the day of Pentecost, just one and a half months after Jesus' death, eventually had to disappear. Thus the episode may have inserted a foreshadowing of that fate. The Gospel of Matthew further says, "That is how it will be with this wicked generation (Mt 12:45)." and suggests the arrival of the incident that not only the temple was destroyed by Romans but also Jerusalem Church virtually disappeared after twice Jewish War. At that time, a part of the Primitive Church led by Simon, the younger brother of Jesus, fled the city just before siege by Roman army and withdrawn to Pella under the Herodian royal family, and compiled the Gospel of Matthew.
Writhing in agony

One day a monk asked Master DaoKuang (道匡), one of the Zen masters during the five dynasties and ten kingdoms period (五代十国907-979) in China, who served as the abbot of a temple called Zhaoqing Monastery (招慶院) in Qianzhou (泉州), "What is the great meaning of the Buddhist Teaching?" DaoKuang answered, "Writhing in agony." The monk said, "I'm dull and can't understand what you say." and asked, "Give me some hints." But DaoKuang relentlessly said, "I do not have such a grandmother's heart."
Later, another priest asked Master KeHong (可弘), the abbot of Daning Monastery (大寧院) in Wenzhou (温州), "What is the true path?" KeHong answered, "Writhing in agony," just like DaoKuang. Then the monk said, "If it's Buddhism, I have to find another way." KeHong said to him coldly, "Just choose your favorite way. I know that you will finally become a stray sheep." But the monk continued to ask, "If 'writhing in agony' is the answer to 'what the true path is,' then when it is clear and void, no holiness, what do you answer?" However, KeHong pushed him away saying, "Now I see the bottom of the story."
By the way, this koan (公案: subject which Zen-masters give each religious to learn and practice the doctrine of Buddhism) is said to be the origin of the Chinese idiom 'Qidian Badao (七顛八倒).' According to the Chinese Institute of Buddhist Culture's (中国仏教文化研究所) "Slang Buddha Source (俗語仏源)." "Qidian Badao" is derived from Koans in the the twenty-sixth volume of the Jingde Chuandeng Lu(景徳伝灯録) and the eighth volume of the Wudeng Hui yuan (五灯会元), and is later frequently used as a slang term meaning "mess or disarray." And a Chinese-Japanese dictionary explains that it mainly means messy and unorganized story. <To be continued>
《Jingde Chuandeng-lu》What is the great meaning of Buddhism?
Zhaoqing Monastery (招慶院)'s Master DaoKuang (道匡) was from Chaozhou (潮州). A monk asked, "What is the great meaning of Buddhism?" The teacher answered, "Qidian badao (七顛八倒: Seven rolls eight falls: Writhing in agony)" The monk said, "Very sorry, I am born stupid. Please give me a little hint" The teacher replied, "I do not have such an grandmother's heart."
《Jingde Chuandeng-lu》What is the true path?
A monk asked Wenzhou (温州) Daning Monastery (大寧院)'s Master KeHong (可弘), "What is the true path?" The teacher replied, "Qidian badao." The monk said, "If it's Buddhism, I have to find another way." The teacher replied, "Just choose your favorite way. I know that you will finally become a stray sheep." The monk asked, "When it is clear and void holiness, what do you answer?" The teacher said, "Now I see the bottom of the story."

What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
According to the dialectic of the Gospel of John,
【Thesis】"A man can possess eternal life through accepting testimony of the Son of man and being baptized by him." (John 5:24)
【Anti-thesis】But "The one who comes from the earth cannot accept the testimony by one from heaven." (John 3:32)
How then can a man possess eternal life?
【Synthesis】"If you want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can just go back to the word which was with God in the beginning (John 1:1) and certify that God is truthful. (John 3:33)"
When he said, "You are Huichao," Zen Master Fayan thrusted vivid Self in Huichao in front of his eyes.
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बुधवार, 29 जनवरी 2020

बासंती मधुमास आ गया

आज प्रफुल्लित धरा व्योम है
पुलकित तन का रोम रोम है
पिक का प्रियतम पास आ गया
बसंती मधुमास आ गया
डाल डाल पर फुदक फुदक कर  
कोकिल गूंजा रही है मधुस्वार
पुष्पित हुआ पलाश केसरी
सरसों स्वर्णिम हुई मदभरी
सजी धरा पीली चूनर में
लगे वृक्ष स्पर्धा करने
उनने पान किये सब पीले
आये किसलय नवल रंगीले
शिशिर ग्रीष्म की यह वयःसंधि
हुई षोडशी ऋतू बासंती
गेहूं की बाली थी खली
हुई अब भरे दानो वाली
नाच रही है थिरक थिरक कर
 बाली उमर ,रूप यह लख कर
वृक्ष आम का बौराया है
मादकता से मदमाया है
रसिक भ्रमर डोले पुष्पों पर
महकी अवनि ,महका अम्बर
मदन पर्व है ऋतू रसवंती
आया ऋतुराज वासंती
खुशियां और उल्हास आ गया
बासंती मधुमास आ गया

मदन मोहन बाहेती 'घोटू ' 

मंगलवार, 28 जनवरी 2020

अगर तुम आगयी होती

सुधा भरती समंदर में ,हरे हो जाते मरुस्थल
गरज कर जो घुमड़ते है ,बरस जाते सभी बादल
अँधेरा लील सब जाती ,तुम्हारे प्यार की ज्योती
अगर तुम आ गयी होती
अमा की रात में जगमग ,चमकता चाँद पूनम सा  
मेरे जीवन को महकाता ,तुम्हारा प्यार चंदन  सा
नयन से बह  रहे अश्रु ,टपकते बनके  फिर मोती
अगर तुम आ गयी होती
मेरा संसार सूना था ,उसमे कुछ सार आ जाता
खनकते चूड़ियों के स्वर ,मधुर अभिसार आ जाता
रेशमी बाहों में बंध कर ,मेरी तन्हाईयाँ  खोती
अगर तुम आगयी होती

मदन मोहन बाहेती 'घोटू '

हलचल अन्य ब्लोगों से 1-